“Play is often talked about as if it were a relief from serious learning. But for children, play is serious learning.”
Decades of research demonstrate that play is critical to healthy child development. The right to play is so vital that it is recognized by the United Nations High Commission on Human Rights.
CDM advocates for free play, where children are free to choose where, when and how they play with our exhibits. It taps into children’s innate curiosity and love of learning.
The Education Bureau of Hong Kong's Kindergarten Education Curriculum Guide also strongly advocates for free play due to its numerous benefits.
Albert Einstein rightly noted that, “Play is the highest form of research”, when he observed that through play children learn about themselves, others, and their world.
Below are three top benefits that arise when children engage in free play
Fostering 21st Century Skills
Critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, and communication are skills vital to succeed in today’s competitive world.
Raising Independence
Leadership traits develop when children dictate their own goals and determine their associated rules in play. In so doing, children learn to take initiative, solve problems, and work together.
Nourishing Well-being
Through open-ended play, overall emotional health improves as children work through their feelings and expend excess energy.
CDM aims to uphold and support free play learning
through our exhibits and in our interactions with families.
“Play is our brain’s favorite way of learning.”